27 July 2024 / 12:06 RU

    Kyiv mayor announces cancellation of mass events on Victory Day

    Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko has said no mass events will be held in the capital city on the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation on May 8 and on Victory Day on May 9.

    "Mass events in the capital city will not be held due to restrictions... I understand that many people congratulated veterans on this day, brought flowers to the monuments or went to cemeteries to the graves of their relatives... But this year the format will be different. Therefore, you can congratulate veterans by calling them. Remember your loved ones and share their stories on social networks," he said during an online briefing, answering journalists' questions, according to an UNIAN correspondent. 

    Klitschko has urged Kyiv residents to spend the upcoming weekend at home and adhere to quarantine restrictions.

    A heavy police presence enhanced by the Municipal Guard is to be maintained on May 8-9.

    "And I also want to warn those people who are planning political actions and provocations during the holidays – you should not use these days to destabilize the situation and your own promotion," the mayor said.

    At the same time, Klitschko said he had signed an instruction to provide annual financial assistance on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation and the Day of Victory over Nazism in World War II. 

    "Payments have already begun – they are being received by over 78,000 veterans of World War II, participants in the Anti-Terrorist Operation, peacekeeping soldiers, participants in the Revolution of Dignity, and other categories of citizens," the mayor added.


    05 May 2020 / 14:52