27 July 2024 / 03:23 RU

    Russian Defense Ministry delivers Chinese aid to Moldova to help fight coronavirus

    The Russian Defense Ministry's Antonov AN-124 aircraft delivered about 40 tonnes of medical supplies from China to Moldova to help the country combat the coronavirus, the ministry said in a statement, according to TASS

    "On April 19 the Russian Defense Ministry carried out a mission at Moldova's request, delivering medical supplies provided by China from Shanghai to Chishinau by an AN-124 aircraft in order to assist Moldova's fight against COVID-19 infection," the statement reads. 

    The Defense Ministry pointeed out that it had been the first joint Russian-Chinese humanitarian mission aimed at facilitating the fight against coronavirus. 

    Moldova's authorities had earlier requested Moscow's assistance in the delivery of a Chinese aid shipment. 

    The Ministry added that on March 27, Russia sent a batch humanitarian aid to Moldova, which particularly included 10,000 coronavirus test systems. 


    20 April 2020 / 17:07