08 September 2024 / 02:51 RU

    US to help Georgia if…

    Georgia will receive military and economic assistance from Washington, if Tbilisi abandons its “anti-Western course". The package also includes visa liberalization.

    Washington is ready to provide Tbilisi with a large package of military and economic assistance if the Georgian authorities abandon the current “anti-Western course,” Politico writes.

    A Georgia relief bill will be presented to Congress. The states will begin negotiations with Tbilisi to improve access of Georgian goods to American markets. Tbilisi will be required to comply with all basic political criteria.

    In addition, the bill includes liberalization of the visa regime for Georgian citizens.

    If this bill is adopted, a package of military support in the form of military equipment will be provided.

    According to the Politico article, the assistance program for Georgia will be secured if Tbilisi shows “progress in strengthening democracy” in the form of holding “free and fair elections and maintaining pf balanced pre-election environment.”


    Source - https://en.vestikavkaza.ru


    21 May 2024 / 13:33