27 July 2024 / 06:50 RU

    Pashinyan hails European Parliament resolution

    Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Thursday hailed the European Parliament resolution expressing unwavering support for Armenia's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    The European Parliament on Wednesday overwhelmingly adopted a resolution calling for closer ties between the European Union and Armenia, as well as supporting Armenia’s candidacy for membership in the bloc, “should Armenia be interested.” The resolution was adopted by a vote of 504 in favor, four against and 32 abstentions.

    "The resolution expresses unwavering support for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Armenia based on the 1991 Alma-Ata Declaration, and also supports peace efforts between Armenia and Azerbaijan," Pashinyan told a cabinet meeting.

    "With this resolution, the European Parliament recorded the achievements of the Republic of Armenia in the field of democracy, rule of law, fight against corruption, which is extremely important for the international perception of our country.

    "The resolution quoted the statement I made last year on October 17 at the European Parliament that Armenia is ready to be as close to the European Union as the European Union deems it possible, noting that if the Republic of Armenia wants to submit an application to become a candidate for European Union membership, the institutions of the European Union should support that move," he added.


    14 March 2024 / 13:25