27 July 2024 / 03:00 RU

    Why Armenia resume shelling of Azerbaijan?

    Today, the units of the Azerbaijani State Border Service (SBS) have carried out the "Revenge" operation in response to yesterday's provocation by the Armenian armed forces, the SBS reported.

    According to the service, the operation resulted in the entire destruction of an Armenian Army's combat post near the Nerkin-And settlement in Gafan: this post was in charge of shooting on Azerbaijani army positions yesterday.

    The service noted that there have been reports of "substantial personnel losses" at the damaged combat position.

    "Any provocations by the Armenian side aimed at escalating tensions along the Azerbaijan-Armenia border will now be met with even more serious and decisive reactions. The military-political leadership of Armenia bears full responsibility for these developments," the statement reads.

    New attacks on Azerbaijani positions

    Yesterday evening, Armenian armed forces servicemen attacked positions of the Azerbaijani Army once again, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported.

    The ministry said that at 20:50 and at 23:40 (19:50 and 22:40 Moscow time), the Armenian armed forces units from the positions in the direction of Chinarli settlement of the Tovuzgala region using small arms subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army positions stationed in the direction of Kokhanabi settlement of the Tovuz region.

    The Armenian Defense Ministry said two Armenian service members have been killed. The ministry also reported on the wounded.

    © Photo :Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza


    13 February 2024 / 11:26