27 July 2024 / 06:39 RU

    Toivo Klaar: Quite logical that any road, railway that goes through Armenian territory is controlled by Armenia

    In an interview with Armenpress, Toivo Klaar, the European Union (EU) Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia, stated that it is quite logical that in the context of unblocking communications in the South Caucasus, any road and railway that will pass through the territory of Armenia should be controlled by Armenia.

    In particular, he noted as follows: "First of all, I think that, a few months ago [in May 2023], in Moscow, President Aliyev very clearly said publicly on television, in a meeting that they had with Prime Minister Pashinyan in the presence of President Putin, that naming it a ‘corridor’ doesn't imply extra-territoriality. President Aliyev has said – also on other occasions in smaller settings – that this does not imply extra-territoriality. Yes, calling it a corridor, as you know, we say transport corridors in reference to different corridors that we have in Europe and we never imply extra-territoriality.

    “So, obviously, from our perspective, it is quite logical that any road, any railway that goes through Armenian territory is controlled by Armenia, or any road or railway that goes through Azerbaijani territory or goes through, I don't know, German territory, is controlled by the country in question. So, that is absolutely the one and only logical arrangement.

    “And what is also very legitimate is, for instance, in this case Azerbaijan, to want to have an assurance that Azerbaijani citizens and cargo crossing Armenian territory will be safe and secure. That is perfectly logical and normal. But how that is being done in terms of how it is ensured is the responsibility of the Armenian authorities.”


    20 November 2023 / 11:23