27 July 2024 / 03:25 RU

    Azerbaijan FM speaks about 3 directions in which Baku expects ‘mutual political will’ from Armenian side

    Azerbaijani foreign minister Jeyhun Bayramov stated that Baku expects "mutual political will" from the Armenian side to overcome differences in three specific domains, which form the agenda of bilateral discussions, Azerbaijani media reported.

    "In this context, the continuous illegal military presence of Armenia in the sovereign territories of Azerbaijan, the consistent interference in internal affairs, the obstruction of the dialogue between the central authorities of Azerbaijan and the Armenian residents of the Karabakh region, as well as the implementation of a smear campaign on an international scale, including within the framework of the OSCE. It was noted that this is the main obstacle to the talks for the settlement of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia," writes the Azerbaijani press.


    07 June 2023 / 12:00