27 July 2024 / 02:58 RU

    Armenia deputy PM on talks with Azerbaijan: There will be no discussion about corridor assuming any special regime

    The jurisdiction of the Republic of Armenia will fully extend over the sovereign infrastructures of Armenia, Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan told reporters Tuesday.

    "Within the framework of these principles, we [i.e., Armenia] are ready and have always been ready for discussions [with Azerbaijan] and, ultimately, lifting the blockade, which, in my opinion, is of great importance for Armenia as well," he said.

    Regarding the remark that statements were made by the representatives of the Armenian ruling power, that in the event of lifting the blockade, customs control can be carried out through an international organization, the Armenian deputy PM said: "There is no such discussion at the moment, we have not worked out such a question on the agenda. Such ideas have been circulated, but there is no developed format related to that matter.”

    And speaking about the "Zangezur corridor" concept, Grigoryan said: "It has always been from the point of view of different perceptions, the ‘corridor’ term was used, in many cases it was stated as a ‘transport corridor,’ which is a term accepted in international practice. But, also, in many cases the ‘corridor’ was emphasized from the point of view of having a different point of view or a different attitude. We [i.e., Armenia] have always given our official position regarding the second option, that it is simply ruled out. We are always ready to talk about transport communication, about corridors if a special regime is assumed under it. If not, we will not discuss [it], it is a red line for us. I don't think that a tripartite meeting will be organized and this issue will be raised again because it is at least pointless because we will not discuss such a matter."


    30 May 2023 / 13:47