27 July 2024 / 11:58 RU

    The Czech Republic is ready to transfer part of its L-159 fighter jets to Ukraine for the upcoming counteroffensive

     In a statement reminiscent of the New York Times style, Czech President Petr Pavel reportedly suggested that the Czech Republic might offer Ukraine some of its L-159 fighter jets to bolster Ukraine's planned counter-offensive.

    Praised as one of Kyiv's staunchest supporters since Russia's aggression began in February, Prague has already extended considerable assistance in the form of ammunition and tanks, with a total value reaching billions of dollars.

    The L-159 fighter jet, a domestically manufactured Czech aircraft, serves as a lightweight subsonic combat plane specifically designed for tasks such as providing air support to ground forces, reconnaissance missions, and limited air combat operations.

    President Pavel voiced his thoughts on this matter during an interview with Czech public radio, stating that it would be worthwhile to consider the possibility of supplying Ukraine with L-159 aircraft. He emphasized that these aircraft, as direct combat support assets, could significantly contribute to Ukraine's counter-offensive efforts.

    However, any decision concerning military shipments ultimately lies in the hands of the Czech government. Moreover, in addition to the potential L-159 allocation, Ukraine is also in the process of acquiring two units of the Kub air-defense system from the Czech Republic, as stated by President Pavel.

    Ukraine, awaiting better weather conditions before launching its long-promised counter-offensive, is actively urging its allies to overcome their hesitations regarding the supply of modern fighter jets. While discussions regarding the donation of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine are reportedly advancing, no conclusive decision has been made, according to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who made this statement last week.

    In a show of solidarity, Slovakia and Poland had previously furnished Ukraine with Soviet-era MIG-29 fighter jets in March.


    Source - Turan.az


    11 May 2023 / 13:11