27 July 2024 / 07:21 RU

    State Department: Washington worried about Azerbaijan army positions’ advancement in Karabakh

    Washington is worried about the advancement of the positions of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in Nagorno-Karabakh. This was stated by Vedant Patel, Principal Deputy Spokesperson of the US Department of State, during Monday’s department press briefing.

    He informed that US Assistant Secretary of State Karen Donfried had a telephone conversation with the foreign minister of Azerbaijan earlier, and expressed concern regarding the movements of the Azerbaijani military.

    According to the representative of the US State Department, direct dialogue between the parties is key to resolving this issue and reaching a lasting peace.

    "There is not a military solution to this conflict. We’ll continue to facilitate discussions between Armenia and Azerbaijan bilaterally as well as with partners, and as well as throughout multilateral organizations as well," Patel added.


    29 March 2023 / 11:05