27 July 2024 / 09:27 RU

    Preliminary results of snap elections in Armenia’s Sisian, Ani communities: Ruling party wins

    Electoral commission’s No. 33 and 34 have summed up the preliminary results of the snap council of elders’ elections held Sunday in Ani and Sisian communities, reports the press service of the Central Electoral Commission. And according to these results, the ruling Civil Contract Party has won these local elections.

    The results obtained from 61 polling stations are as follows.

    Ani community of Shirak Province

    Alliance of Nation-Community Parties – 3,134 votes

    Armenian Dream Party - 795 votes

    My Powerful Community Party - 744 votes

    Civil Contract Party- 5, 180 votes

    Sisian community of Syunik Province

    Citizen's Decision Social-Democratic Party – 1,443 votes

    Republican Party of Armenia – 2,553 votes

    Civil Contract Party - 7,325 votes

    A total of 49.63% of eligible voters, or 11,356 out of 22,880 citizens, participated in the snap local elections in Sisian community.

    A total 62.01% of eligible voters, or 9,870 out of 15,918 people, participated in the voting in Ani community.

    And 54.71% of eligible voters, or 21,226 people, participated in the elections in both communities.


    27 March 2023 / 11:05