27 July 2024 / 02:37 RU

    Artsakh official deplores Toivo Klaar's response to Azeri ambush

    Artsakh state minister’s advisor Artak Beglaryan has deplored EU special envoy Toivo Klaar’s reaction to the Azerbaijani armed attack on Sunday.

    Three Artsakh police officers were killed and another was wounded after an Azerbaijani subversive group ambushed their vehicle near Stepanakert at around 10am local time.

    The Armenian Foreign Ministry condemned the attack as an “act of terrorism which was preplanned and ordered by Azerbaijan’s top leadership.”

    Klaar, the EU’s special representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, announced his trip to Baku late on Sunday.

    “Back in Baku. Look forward to substantive meetings with Azerbaijan’s leadership to advance peace process after meetings in Munich. The deadly incident today underscores the urgency of pushing forward with negotiations to achieve stability & a fair peace,” he tweeted.

    “My mistrust/doubts to Toivo Klaar get deeper due to his reactions to Azerbaijani crimes,” Beglaryan said in a tweet on Monday.

    “He is either: Amateur diplomat, under azerbaijani brainwashing, corrupt official, with deviated perceptions of European values, interests & human rights. All four options require changes,” he stated.


    06 March 2023 / 13:03