27 July 2024 / 03:23 RU

    Mirzoyan: Unexpected third countries support Azerbaijani interpretation of road to Nakhchivan

    Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said Armenia sees that third countries, sometimes even unexpected third countries for us, support the Azerbaijani interpretation of this road (from Nakhchivan to Azerbaijan - ed.). His remarks came at a briefing with the Iranian Foreign Minister on Thursday. He noted that here Armenia also meets Azerbaijan's intransigent behavior. "We have repeatedly noted that opening a corridor with extraterritorial status is out of the question. According to the trilateral statement adopted after the aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020, the hostilities were stopped. 

    This statement, as well as other related statements, stressed the importance of unblocking the transport and economic infrastructures. These statements also talked about the establishment of transport communications between Nakhijevan and the main part of Azerbaijan. We have repeatedly stated our readiness to open the roads to Azerbaijani passenger and freight traffic, fixing the provision (and not questioning it) that the infrastructure to be opened should remain under the sovereignty of those countries and act under the laws of those countries whose territories they pass through. This also applies to the road from Nakhchivan to the main part of Azerbaijan, which can also be used by citizens of third countries.

    We think there may be more relevant solutions to this issue, including the declaration of goods and other things. But the main requirement is that the road should remain under our sovereignty and act according to our legislation," Mirzoyan noted.



    21 October 2022 / 14:27