27 July 2024 / 03:07 RU

    U.S. will support former Soviet republics if they are subjected to Russian aggression as well

    After Russia's aggression against Ukraine began, neighboring countries became reasonably concerned about their security and sovereignty. "What Vladimir Putin did was a signal to all countries that he does not recognize borders and that this is his military ambition." U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Lee Liezenberger said this at a briefing Thursday, answering Turan's question - would the U.S. provide military support to Azerbaijan or other former Soviet republics if they also, like Ukraine, were subjected to aggression?

    "Unfortunately, Russia can act very irrationally and unexpectedly. I understand why countries in the region are so nervous."

    "I think the U.S. will support the independence and territorial integrity of all countries. If we see such threats, appropriate and proportionate measures will be taken," the Ambassador stressed.


    Source - Turan.az


    09 June 2022 / 12:37