27 July 2024 / 03:06 RU

    Shusha hosts 5th Congress of World Azerbaijanis

    The Fifth Congress of the World Azerbaijanis will be held today in Shusha, the cultural capital of Azerbaijan.

    About 400 people from 65 countries are expected to attend the Congress.

    The congress participants will first visit Baku's Alley of Honors, then the Alleys of Martyrs I and II before departing for Shusha. The event is expected to draw 400 diaspora representatives from 65 countries.

    Following the official opening ceremony, there will be a report on the activities of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora, discussions on "Challenges facing the Azerbaijani Diaspora in the post-war period", "Contributions of the Azerbaijani Diaspora to the restoration and reconstruction of Karabakh".

    It should be noted that the congress will be the first major event of the diaspora after the liberation of Karabakh, which demonstrated high organization and unity in recent years and played a special role in informing the international community about Azerbaijan’s realities.

    First Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijan State Committee on Work with Diaspora Valeh Hajiyev said the 5th Congress of World Azerbaijanis will be the first one held after the Victory in second Karabkh war. "The congress in Shusha will become the Victory Congress," Hajiyev said.

    Shusha was occupied by Armenian forces on May 8, 1992, and liberated by Azerbaijan during the 44-day war on November 8, 2020. Shusha was declared Azerbaijan’s cultural capital by the presidential decree on May 7.

    Source - vesnikkavkaza.net 


    21 April 2022 / 11:39