27 July 2024 / 03:08 RU

    Germany can completely block Nord Stream 2

    German Economic Minister Robert Habeck said the Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea gas pipeline project can be completely stopped.

    "This can also happen. It’s not a sanction in the classic sense. I say explicitly that this can still happen ," RIA Novosti cited him as saying.

    He also noted that Berlin is coordinating this matter with European and U.S. partners.

    Germany halted the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, designed to double the flow of Russian gas direct to Germany, after Russia formally recognised two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine.

    Europe's most divisive energy project, worth $11 billion, was finished in September, but has stood idle pending certification by Germany and the European Union.

    The pipeline had been set to ease the pressure on European consumers facing record energy prices amid a wider post-pandemic cost of living crisis, and on governments that have already forked out billions to try to cushion the impact on consumers.


    Source - vesnikkavkaza.net 


    23 February 2022 / 13:40