28 April 2024 / 05:28 RU

    Private schools in Uzbekistan can also ban hijab

    The ban on hijab for teachers and students in state secondary schools of Uzbekistan can be extended to private schools also, Centralasian.org reports. 

    This requirement is part of the draft version of legislative initiative "On changes and amendments into some of the decisions of the Government of Uzbekistan". The draft is worked out by the State Inspection on Education and considers changes and amendments to regulations on licensing of private educational services and to regulations on school uniforms.

    According to the draft, religious clothes will be forbidden for students, including hijabs, crosses, lippas, etc. Military uniforms are also forbidden, as well as tattoos, piercing on visible parts of body. The same refers to hair and beards longer than 2 -3 sm, nails, etc.  

    The draft is subject to heavy criticism. Discussions will be going untill March 8 this year. 



    25 February 2020 / 12:41