27 July 2024 / 07:35 RU

    Kazakhstan to build nuclear power plant to maintain regional leadership

    Kazakhstan is in strong need of nuclear power station, Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said in opening remarks at the extended meeting of the government.

    "Last year we faced a fairly serious energy crisis. There was a shortage of diesel fuel, jet fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, and electricity. This happened due to poor planning, lack of control and malicious actions of individuals," TASS cited Tokayev as saying.

    He added that Kazakhstan also faced regular interruptions in the operation of the energy supply system. "The most striking example is the recent power outage in the south of the country. We partly depend on the quality work of the energy systems of neighboring countries," the president stressed.

    "The country's energy security problems need to be urgently addressed. I do not understand why responsible persons diplomatically evade answers to questions about the construction of a nuclear power plant. After all, it must be said frankly - without clean nuclear energy, we will lose the entire economy. We desperately need electricity, and it must be nuclear, clean electricity. It is necessary to professionally explain the importance of nuclear energy,” Tokayev said.


    Source - vesnikkavkaza.net 


    08 February 2022 / 11:55