20 April 2024 / 17:43 RU

    Putin: Russia's response to NATO's refusal of the proposed agreements may be very different

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said that if the US and NATO refuse to give Russia security guarantees and continue to expand eastward, the answer may be very different.

    “It can be very different. It depends on the proposals that our military experts will make to me,” the president said in an interview for the program "Moscow. Kremlin. Putin" on TV channel "Russia-1" on Sunday.

    According to Putin, Moscow will seek to achieve a positive outcome of the negotiations. "I hope that all the same - and we did not offer something to outvote and stop something, from the point of view of this diplomatic process, but in order to achieve a diplomatic negotiating result, enshrined, as I said, legally, within the framework of the documents that we have proposed. We will strive for this", he stressed.

    At a press conference on Thursday, Putin said that Moscow's further actions would depend not on the progress of negotiations on security guarantees with the United States, but on the unconditional provision of Russia's security "today and for a historical perspective." "Further movement of NATO to the east is unacceptable," it was the Russian side that "made it clear", he reminded.

    The President pointed out that it is not Russia who puts missiles near the borders of the United States, "it is the US with its missiles have come to our house, they are on the doorstep of our house".



    Source - vesnikkavkaza.net


    27 December 2021 / 11:00