27 July 2024 / 02:48 RU

    President Ilham Aliyev holds cordial conversation with participants and residents of Shusha as part of opening of Vagif Poetry Days (PHOTO)

    The Vagif Poetry Days have been organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the native city of the poet for the first time after the liberation of Shusha from occupation.
    President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva attended the official opening ceremony of the Vagif Poetry Days.

    President Ilham Aliyev had a cordial conversation with participants and residents of Shusha as part the opening of the Vagif Poetry Days in Shusha.

    Woman: It is nice to see you!

    President Ilham Aliyev: I have invited you.

    Woman: May Allah grant you good health.

    Women: Thank you very much. May Allah be pleased with you. May Allah grant you good health. May Allah protect you. We are proud of our President. We are grateful to Mehriban Aliyeva. Thank you for all this work. As a result of your far-sighted policy, we are here today.

    President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you, we are back.

    Woman: Thank you. We have come here with a great sense of pride.

    President Ilham Aliyev: We will live here forever.

    Participants: Thank you very much, Mr. President.

    President Ilham Aliyev: You will return to Shusha soon.

    Participants: Thank you, Mr. President.

    Woman: We are cultural workers. I am the director of the Central Library System. We have a large female team. They are all sending their greetings. Thanks to you, our cultural institutions did not have to see what displacement is.

    Man: We kept it in Baku for 30 years and have returned it as a deposit. Mr. President, you have expanded the borders of Azerbaijan's glory. Long live our President!
    President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you.

    Man: I am writing something about Shusha. This is a great heroism. It is the heroism of both the army and you personally.

    President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you. The events will continue today and tomorrow.

    Man: [Reciting a poem]

    President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you very much. I think that we will hold Poetry Days as an international event next year.
    Anar, Chairman of the Union of Writers: We want to hold our congress here in October.

    President Ilham Aliyev: Yes, please do.

    Anar: There will be visitors from abroad.

    President Ilham Aliyev: It will be good. There is also a place to hold it here.

    Anar: Very good, thank you very much.

    Woman: Thank you, Mr. President. You have given us these wonderful feelings. We still can't believe it. It is a legend for all of us, Mr. President.

    People's poet Vahid Aziz: Mr. President, I attended the event you mentioned. I was in the Central Committee then, I was standing here. When you said that I had fulfilled my father's will, I was moved. I have written a poem about that and will publish it.

    Anar: I also came here for the Uzeyir Music Days. I came here together with the great leader.
    President Ilham Aliyev: The monument to Uzeyir Hajibeyli was also destroyed. Nothing was left of it. We unveiled it yesterday. You can go and see it. Instead of the bust of Vagif, they opened a small hut-type shop.

    AzTV employee: I also attended the first opening, as a representative of Azerbaijan Television. I prepared a report about it.

    President Ilham Aliyev: I invited the participants at the time.

    AzTV employee: Yes, thank you for that.

    Man: I was also invited. I read a poem there.

    President Ilham Aliyev: In winter or summer?

    Man: Both in winter and summer. At the opening of the Poetry Days, I also asked our great leader. Thank you very much. May Allah protect you, Mr. President.

    Participants: Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you very much.

    President Ilham Aliyev: Hello. How are you? How is the Kazakh land?
    Man: As soon as I received the invitation from the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, I came here running from Gazakh. I will recite a poem:
    [reciting a poem]

    Thank you.

    President Ilham Aliyev: Mr. Ahmadzadeh is also here. I specifically invited you then. Do you remember?

    Ahmad Ahmadzadeh: Yes, it was winter. It was snowing heavily.

    Young girl: Mr. President, we also thank you on behalf of the youth, on behalf of young writers. I was the same age as the occupation of Karabakh. But now I am glad that I am older than that occupation. Thank you very much.

    President Ilham Aliyev: Very nice, thank you very much.

    Participants: Thank you. Thank you very much.

    Source - Trend.az


    31 August 2021 / 10:50