20 April 2024 / 05:31 RU

    Cavusoglu: Turkey wants to see South Caucasus as region of peace

    Turkey wants to see the South Caucasus as a region of peace and stability, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said.

    "The heroic Azerbaijani troops during the struggle, which lasted more than 40 days, liberated the lands of the country, which had been under occupation for 30 years," the foreign minister added. “Azerbaijan has shown patience for many years, expressing hope for a solution to the problem through diplomatic means."

    "Turkey wants to see the South Caucasus as a region of peace and stability," Cavusoglu added. "Armenia and the Armenian people will benefit greatly from this. Armenia has isolated itself for years, ruined relations with its neighbors due to its mistakes. I hope it will learn a lesson from this and peace and stability will reign in the region."


    Source - vesnikkavkaza.net


    17 June 2021 / 10:23