27 July 2024 / 06:39 RU

    Biden: US happy with Iran's agreement to negotiate on JCPOA

    Iran's position on the issue of uranium enrichment doesn't help negotiation processes on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear issue, US President Joe Biden said.

    According to him, Iran's statements about its intention to enrich uranium up to 60% contradict the agreement. However, commenting on the negotiations, he noted that it is too early to speak about the results. "We are still negotiating," he said.

    Biden stressed that the United States is happy with Iran's agreement to participate in direct negotiations. “We are happy that Iran continues to agree to engage in direct negotiations with us and with our partners on how we will move forward and what will it take to return to the JCPOA. We never should have left it, in my opinion," Biden said.

    According to him, the United States doesn't want participants in the JCPOA to concede to Tehran.


    Source - vestnikkavkaza.net


    19 April 2021 / 09:27