27 July 2024 / 06:44 RU

    Analyst: Ukraine, Azerbaijan co-op has huge potential

    Ukraine and Azerbaijan are two friendly countries, which have never had any serious issues with each other, Vadym Tryukhan, the Ukrainian diplomat and political analyst, told Trend.

    Threats and challenges that both countries face are mainly of the same nature, the analyst noted.

    “Strategic goal is the restoration of territorial integrity, and this brings together both states and both peoples,” said Tryukhan.

    The analyst also noted huge potential for cooperation between the two countries adding that it primarily includes energy sector, agriculture and military-industrial sphere.

    The Ukrainian diplomat also noted that trade between Azerbaijan and Ukraine, which reached nearly $900 million in 2018, is far from the figure that can be achieved.

    Tryukhan added that the trade turnover between the two countries over the next five years can actually reach $2-3 billion.

    Diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Azerbaijan were established in February 1992. Ukraine is a strategic partner of Azerbaijan, and both states are members of the GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova).

    “Azerbaijan holds an important place in Ukraine’s foreign policy, which, first of all, is conditioned by wide opportunities in the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in the political, trade, economic, fuel and energy, transport spheres,” the analyst added.


    20 January 2020 / 11:03