18 April 2024 / 05:06 RU

    Bulgarians do not trust the main sources of information: Gallup International

    There is underlying conviction amongst Bulgarian citizens that the pandemic caused by Covid-19 is not that dangerous. The more successful the measures, the more impatient the people, sociologist Parvan Simeonov from Gallup International commented for BNR. The sociological agency conducted a public opinion survey in 19 countries on people’s attitudes towards the development of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the survey, Bulgarians do not trust the main sources of information and are looking for alternatives. In Parvan Simeonov’s words, at the beginning of the pandemic, the government’s rating was high due to the timely measures that were adopted in Bulgaria. Now, its rating is high, because the restrictive measures are being relaxed. 


    30 June 2020 / 10:28